Write to Chelsea Manning

On December 17, Private Chelsea Manning will turn 27. It will be the fourth birthday this young Army whistle-blower has spent in prison.

Thanks to this brave soldier’s heroic actions, the public learned the following startling truths:

  • Donald Rumsfeld and General Petraeus helped support torture in Iraq.
  • Deliberate civilian killings by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan went unpunished.
  • Thousands of civilian casualties were never acknowledged publicly.
  • Most Guantanamo detainees were innocent.

See even more of What WikiLeaks revealed

PVT Manning is currently eligible to receive mail from anyone who wishes to write.

While the address must be marked “Bradley Manning,” PVT Manning will be happy to accept letters and postcards that refer to her with her chosen name Chelsea.

There are restrictions on what you can send. The military will reject any mail that violates postal regulations or contains obscenity, blackmail, contraband or threats.

Her legal team is currently responsible for ensuring that she has sufficient funds in her detainee account to purchase items such as stamps, envelopes, toothpaste, etc.

Incoming mail will be returned to the sender if, in the opinion of the confinement facility, falls into any of the following categories: 1) Contains inflammatory material or advocates escape, violence, disorder or assault; 2) Directly or indirectly threatens the security, safety or order of the facility; 3) Contains coded or otherwise undecipherable language that prevents adequate review of the material.

Click here for more guidelines on writing to political prisoners.


Happy birthday, Chelsea. Thank you for your heroism.


This campaign ended on July 16, 2017.